
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

week 11 ( 25th to 29th MAY ) 3rd PRIMARY

Hello. These are the activities for the 11th week WEEK 11 Routines: Let’s make a poster. Mira aquests videos per repassar les rutines abans de fer el teu propi poster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD1pnquN_DM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCeYekkl0r0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S15gHKcLJQU Feu una llista amb les rutines que feu al matí, tarda i vespre. Després escriu una frase com la del exemple per cada moment del dia. tres en total. Aquí tens l'enllaç a la plantilla original . La pots imprimir o crear tu mateix/-a el teu propi disseny. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GDr4HvkHtUfcbrMy1e8VBxjbvIa34VCk/view?usp=sharing Time: on line exercises   What’s the time?  MATCH THE TIME TO THE CLOCK.  WRITE THE TIME  https://es.liveworksheets.com/nf52125ya   Pica a l’enllaç i fes aquesta fitxa interactiva. La pots fer diractament a la pantlla. En acabar també tens la opció...

week 11 (25th to 29th MAY ) 4th primary

WEEK 11 PREPOSITIONS   A l’exercici 1 s'ha de completar les frases amb les paraules del requadre. A l’exercici 2 S’ha de posar les paraules en ordre per fer frases correctes. THERE IS/THERE ARE Respon les preguntes tot mirant el dibuix per comprovar-ho. PROFESSIONS . LISTEN AND MATCH (escolta l’audio i digues quina professió de les que tens al requadre té cada speaker) https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/elementary-a2-listening/work   SHOP ASSISTANT  NURSE PILOT DENTIST TOUR GUIDE Speaker A works as a …………. Speaker B works as a …………. Speaker C works as a …………. Speaker D works as a …………. Speaker E works as a ………….             4. TIME: ONLINE ACTIVITIES LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO . It’s not a game but an explanation about the clock. It’s important to reinforce it. (Escolteu el vídeo on s’explica com son les hores en anglès. No es...

4th primary solution week 10

Hello families!!! These are the key answers (solutions) of the activities I gave you last week. (week 10) PREPOSITIONS THERE IS/THERE ARE PROFESSIONS . LISTENING PROFESSIONS. Match pictures to its name. Use different colours or numbers. Online exercise . You can do the activity on line and submit your results. Click on the link.      Workplaces Game https://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/cloze-jobs.htm


Hello families and students, I give you the solutions for the activities from last week. I hope you liked the activities. week 10 key  (solution) Activity 1 LISTENING  (Watch the video and make a list with the routines you have listened in the story) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6552qKJ3AnY   read a bedtime story (or a book)  go to sleep go to bed get up brush your fur (brush your teeth,  comb your hair in case o f humans! ) ;) drink the milk Activity 2 LISTENING (activity book) Listen, number and write the routines. ( Cliqueu al link i accediu al llibre on podeu escoltar l’àudio i respondre l’activitat) els resultats no es poden guardar així que et recomano et facis una foto o ho copiis en un paper a part ) https://tiger.macmillan.es/products/tiger3_student/ebook/activityBookA.html Activity 3 ANIMAL QUIZ Read and write the name of the animal. parrot kitten spider tiger penguin flamingo kangaroo gira...


Hello again!!! Ara que ja sabeu entrar al llibre on line us presento les tasques d'aquesta setmana: Once you know how to log in the macmillan tiger online book , you are ready do the following tasks: week 10 activities Activity 1 LISTENING   (Watch the video and make a list with the routines you have listened in the story) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6552qKJ3AnY   Listen to this story and WRITE DOWN  the routines you have listened. APUNTEU QUINES RUTINES ( TASQUES QUE FEM A DIARI A CASA COM CUINAR, RENTAR-NOS LA CARA, ESMORZAR, VESTIR-NOS…) HEU SENTIT EN AQUEST VIDEO Activity 2 LISTENING (activity book) Listen, number and write the routines. ( Cliqueu al link i accediu al llibre on podeu escoltar l’àudio i respondre l’activitat) els resultats no es poden guardar així que et recomano et facis una foto o ho copiis en un paper a part ) https://tiger.macmillan.es/products/tiger3_student/ebook/activityBookA.html usuari: lacarpastudent ...

week 10. 3rd primary (18th to 22nd May) COM ACCEDIR AL LLIBRE ON LINE ?

Hello children!!! Aquesta setmana porto novetats. Us he activat el llibre electrònic perquè pugueu treballar online. Allà trobareu audios, jocs, cançons, històries…. tot el que feiem a classe amb la pissarra digital. Us deixo instruccions de com accedir-hi. Si hi ha alguna familia que te problemes que contacti amb mi via mail: mlope628@xtec.cat Per accedir només cal que poseu al google: tigermacmillan i després cliqueu a la pàgina web de macmillan: tiger.macmillan.es Sempre haureu de posar l’ usuari (username) i contrasenya (password). He posat el mateix per evitar confusions. usuari: lacarpastudent contrasenya: lacarpastudent

week 10. 4th primary (18th to 22nd May)

Good morning everyone!!! These are the new tasks for this week WEEK 10 PREPOSITIONS THERE IS/THERE ARE PROFESSIONS . LISTENING Do this on line listening. Tap on the link beyond . To do the activity you have to click on the audios and move the photos of professions. https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Jobs_and_occupations/Jobs_and_occupations_-_listening_cq15446kh PROFESSIONS. Match pictures to its name. Use different colours or numbers. Online exercise . You can do the activity on line and submit your results. Click on the link.      Workplaces Game https://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/cloze-jobs.htm GAME You can print this page and play dominoes with the cut out. or, if you cannot print the page (jobs domino) you can play this online games :  https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/fast-phrases/   games about prepositions h...