
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

week 7 4th primary (27th April to 1st May)

Hello again!!! Durant aquesta setmana repassarem les hores i veurem també les professions. Durant aquests dies de confinament hem parlat molt d'algunes professions i treballs. Metges i metgesses, policies, empleats de supermercats, empleats de neteja,  veterinaris científics, polítics.. Bé,  de professions h'hi ha un munt.  Us proposo 5 tasques: 1.  veure el video (cançó de les professions) 2.  tres  jocs  picant als enllaços 3.  practicar i recodar les hores en anglès amb aquest joc 4.  A aquesta pàgina web pots trobar jocs, videos per repassar totes les rutines 5.  fer la pàgina 39 de l'activity book del cole A week has passed and here I am with new proposals for you!! During this week we are going to see professions and review the time in English . 1 . First, let's start with this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBXaupIJHr8 2. Now, you are ready to play some games to reinforce this v...

week 7 3rd PRIMARY (APRIL 27th TO 1st MAY)

Hello again!!! Durant aquesta setmana veurem com es diuen aquestes rutines que repetim a diari a casa, com per exemple: llevar-nos, vestir-nos, esmorzar, rentar-nos les mans o les dents.... Us proposo 5 tasques: 1. veure el video 2. dos jocs de memory picant als enllaços 3. fer un execisi per veure quines rutines recordem 4. A aquesta pàgina web pots trobar jocs, videos per repassar totes les rutines 5. fer l'exercisi 1 de la pàgina 37 de l'activity book del cole A week has passed and here I am with new proposals for you!! During this week we are going to see routines that we repeatedly make or do day after day. 1 . First, let's start with this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59DiWHB8GxI 2. Now, you are ready to play some games to reinforce this vocabulary: Memory Game 1:  https://matchthememory.com/dailyroutines Memory Game 2: https://matchthememory.com/dailyroutines2 3. Do this exercise to see what you've l...

solutions 4th primary

Hi!!! these are the solutions from last week (week 6: 20th -24th) Solutions 6th week (20th -24th April)   4th primary Activity 1 The clock is on the wall The ball is under the table The cat is behind the armchair The table is next to the armchair  The carpet is on the floor The lamp is on the table The flowers are in the vase The table is between the chair and the armchair Activity 2 The fridge is between /under the door and the cupboard The door is next to/ under the shelf The clock is in/ on the wall The chairs are under / next to the table  The table is  under/ opposite the cooker The pot is On /in the cooker The bin is near/ in front of the drawers The microwave is next to /under the window The sink is above/ under the window Activity 3 true false false true true true false true false

solutions 3rd primary 6th week (20-24 april)

Solutions 20th -24th April Activity 1: crossword Activity 2: true or false Activity 3: write sentences about the picture Activity 4: Answer the questions

Year 3 6th week confinement (20th-24th April)

Hello there!!! How are you guys??? Hope you are, at least, happy!!! My proposal for this week is to do 4 tasks . Do what you can. Don't get stressed but dont be lazy, neither. You know what you are able to do. !! ACTIVITY 1   Complete the crossword. Completar. ACTIVITY 2   Look at the picture and say TRUE OR FALSE?  Mira la imatge i digues si les afirmacions sota el dibuix son veritat (True) o fals (False) ACTIVITY 3   Look at the picture on activity 2  and invent sentences with the food you and one of the children like or dislike. Look at the example: Mira la imatge de l'exercici anterior (activity 2) i escriu frases amb el mejar que t'agradi  o no t'agradi i coincideixis amb l'Albert o l'Alicia. Recordeu que Me, too és a mi també. i Me, neither volia dir a mi tampoc. ACTIVITY 4   Look at the picture on activity 2  and answer the questions.  Use: Yes, he does /No , he doesn't Yes, she do...

year 4 6th week (20th - 24th April)

Hi again!!!! Today is a grey day.. It's raining a lot. But never mind!! we are at home. Here you are the proposal for this week. Do what you can. Don't get stressed, but don't be lazy, neather. ACTIVITY 1.  Look at the picture and complete the sentences using prepositions (in, on, under, next to......) Activity 2. Cicle The correct preposition in each sentence. For example:  The fridge is between /under the door and the cupboard ACTIVITY 3. Say if the statements are T (true)   or   F (False) ACTIVITY 4.  On line g ame . To play this game you should click on the word balls in the correct order to make a sentence. https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/grammar-practice/prepositions-place See you soon, Maria If you have questions write me an e-mail  mlope628@xtec.cat

4th primary : solutions 5th week (14th to 19th April)

SOLUTIONS 4th PRIMARY 5th WEEK  (14th APRIL TO 19th APRIL) Pàgina 69 Activity 1 There's a cinema in the street True There are four cafés in the street False There aren't any museums True There isn't a bus stop False There are lots of houses True Pàgina 69 Activity 2 Pàgina 78 Activity 1 Pàgina 78 Activity 2 1 There’s a hospital /cinema. 2 There’s a newsagent’s / café. 3 There’s a train station / bus stop. 4 There’s a museum /supermarket. Pàgina 78 Activity 3 Pàgina 79 Activity 1 Pàgina 79Activity 2 Yes, There is No there isn't Yes, there is No there isn't Yes, there is No there isn't Pàgina 79 Activity 3

solutions 5th week 3rd primary

SOLUTIONS 3rd PRIMARY 5th WEEK  (14th APRIL TO 19th APRIL) Pàgina 69 Activity 1 Pàgina 69 Activity 2        It’s personal. All answers are possible and correct. Pàgina 80 Activity 1 Pàgina 80 Activity 2 Pàgina 80 Activity 3 Pàgina 81 Activity 1 Pàgina 81 Activity 2       It’s personal. All answers are possible and correct. Pàgina 81 Activity 3

4th primary 5th week of confinement (14-19 April)

Hello everyone,  Here you are the activities I want you to do during the 5th week of the confinement.  In case you need my help, envieu-me un correu electrònic i us ajudaré amb el que necessiteu. També entenc que la realitat de cadascú és diversa. No us angoixeu. The corrections of these three pages will be posted next week. On April the 21st. You can see this document in the drive, too. Love U so so much!!      Maria

3rd Primary: 5th week confinement. 14-19 April

Dear students... Here you are the activities for this week. I will post the corrections on the 21st of April. If you have questions don't hesitate to send me an email. I will help you if necessary. You can see this document in the drive, too. See you soon Maria L