
Mostrando entradas de 2020

games for winter break

  Hi! Here you are some games for you to practise and enjoy the free time. Love, Maria sports https://www.eslgamesplus.com/sports-vocabulary-esl-memory-game/ Numbers https://www.eslgamesplus.com/numbers-10-to-100-esl-vocabulary-interactive-board-game/ Audio quiz (describing people) https://www.quia.com/quiz/4218762.html?AP_rand=499410419 Who is it ? https://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=736 learning hairstyles https://www.learningchocolate.com/content/hairstyles?st_lang=en describing people https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/describing-1


 Hi !!!! The first term has finished, and so the end of 2020 is near. We started the new school year with fear and uncertainty, but after four months of intense work I would like to congratulate you on the result achieved. You have been very brave, and you've been working hard. Now, it's time to play and rest. I don't know if you have planned to travel abroad for holidays, if you are going to stay at home or if you are going to visit to your family. But, be that as it may, I wish you a Merry Xmas and a happy 2021. During the winter break, and if it's possible, I would like you to spend time with your family.  It's important to recharge body and mind for the coming term. See you on January, 11. Lots of love and peace, Maria.


Hi again!!!! Summer time!! Time to read, to have fun, to go to the mountain or to the beach, time to paint, to sing, to dance, to have a rest and relax, to share moments with the family and friends... TIME TO ENJOY YOURSELF OVER THE WELL-DESERVED HOLIDAYS !!!!! Ha arribat l'estiu!! Ara tindrem temps per llegir, divertir-nos, anar a la muntanya o a la platja. És temps de pintar, cantar, ballar, descansar i desconnectar, compartir amb la família i els amics..... Toca gaudir d'unes molt merescudes vacances!!!! Llegó el Verano!! Podréis leer, divertiros, ir a la montaña o a la playa . Es el momento de pintar, cantar, bailar, descansar y desconectar; de compartir momentos en familia y con los amigos... Toca disfrutar de unas muy merecidas vacaciones! I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU BOTH, FAMILIES AND STUDENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING HARD DURING LAST WEEKS DESPITE  THE CHALLENGING CIRCUMSTANCES. THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF THE TEACHING- LEARNING PROCESS.  I SEND YOU A WARM H...

Week 14. 3rd and 4th primary ACTIVITIES +SOLUTIONS

  Summer is here!!!! I would like to congrat you all because you stayed strong and you continued working till the last day. You deserve a rest . ENJOY THE FREE TIME. This week you only have activities about summer. I also give you the solution. Here you are the activities. choose the ones that you like the most. It is not compulsory to do all of them. Just choose your favourites . https://es.liveworksheets.com/bv8166ms Si cliques damunt accediràs directament a la fitxa per omplir-la i corregir-la en acabar. Number the pictures and circle the words when you find them . Numera les imatges. Després busca-les i encercla-les. Do the crossword puzzle. The solution is hidden but in this paper. Upside down . Completa els mots encreuats. si no saps les paraules pots buscar com es diuen a google o a un diccionari. Quan acabis: troba la solució girant el full. 4.   Do the summer maze . Ajuda’ls a trobar el seu castell de sorra. 5. Write the m...

Com accedir al llibre on line 4t primària??????

Hello children!!! Aquesta setmana porto novetats. Us he activat el llibre electrònic perquè pugueu treballar online. Allà trobareu audios, jocs, cançons, històries…. tot el que feiem a classe amb la pissarra digital. Us deixo instruccions de com accedir-hi. Si hi ha alguna familia que te problemes que contacti amb mi via mail: mlope628@xtec.cat Per accedir només cal que poseu al google: tigermacmillan i després cliqueu a la pàgina web de macmillan: tiger.macmillan.es Sempre haureu de posar l’ usuari (username) i contrasenya (password). He posat el mateix per evitar confusions. usuari: student4lacarpa contrasenya: student4lacarpa

solution week 13 4th primary

Here you are the key answers of pages 80 and 81. Please check your results.  2. Activity book pages 80 and 81 Activity 1 page 80  Activity 2 page 80  Activity 3page 80 Activity 1 page 81 Activity 2 page 81 Activity 3 page 81

solution week 13 3rd primary

2. Activity book pages 82 and 83 Here you are the key answers of pages 82 and 83 Activity 1 page 82 Activity 2 page 82 Activity 3 page 82 Activity 1 page 83 Activity 2 page 83 Activity 3 page 83

week 13 4th primary

HELLO AGAIN!!!! The end is very near, so I need you to make an effort (a small one, the last one) Bon dia... S'acaba el trimestre i et demano que facis l'últim esforç , un de petit.. Here you are my proposals for this week: 1. Fill in a questionnaire :      https://forms.gle/WVesXY2WxgeCRz8cA 2. Activity book pages 80 and 81 1.  M'agradaria saber què penseu d'aquest tercer trimestre confinats, com us ha anat, com us heu sentit i què us han semblat les propostes d'anglès. amb les vostres respostes, miraré d'avaluar com ha funcionat el bloc i què puc millorar de cara al proper curs. Només heu de clocar el següent enllaç Acceder al siguiente enlace para rellenar una encuesta y asi poder valorar cómo ha funciondo el bloc de inglés durante el confinamiento. Me ayudará a mejorar las actividades de cara al curso que viene. Please, fill in the google form (questionnaire) to see what do you think about the english blog. Your answer will help me to assess...

week 13 3RD PRIMARY

HELLO AGAIN!!!! The end is very near, so I need you to make an effort (a small one, the last one) Bon dia... S'acaba el trimestre i et demano que facis l'últim esforç , un de petit.. Here you are my proposals for this week: 1. Fill in a questionnaire :    https://forms.gle/WVesXY2WxgeCRz8cA 2. Activity book pages 82 and 83 1. M'agradaria saber què penseu d'aquest tercer trimestre confinats, com us ha anat, com us heu sentit i què us han semblat les propostes d'anglès. amb les vostres respostes, miraré d'avaluar com ha funcionat el bloc i què puc millorar de cara al proper curs. Només heu de clocar el següent enllaç Acceder al siguiente enlace para rellenar una encuesta y asi poder valorar cómo ha funciondo el bloc de inglés durante el confinamiento. Me ayudará a mejorar las actividades de cara al curso que viene. Please, fill in the google form (questionnaire) to see what do you think about the english blog. Your answer will help me to assess ...

solution week 12 3rd primary

1. NUMBERS (WORKSHEET + SONG + VIDEO) 2. Activity bo ok page 37 Write true sentences.   Tell a friend. Before school         1. I get up at seven 2. I have a shower at quarter past seven 3. I have a shower at quarter to eight After school 1. I go home at half past five 2. I help my sons with their homework  half past six 3. I have dinner at quarter past nine 2. Activity bo ok page 39 2. Activity bo ok page 42 listening 2. Activity bo ok page 43   3. Reading comprehension (Routines) READ AND DRAW Aquesta fitxa era molt dificil. This worksheet was difficult. No patiu si no us ha sortit bé. Don't worry if you made errors. 4. Read and choose the TRUE story   Tick A, B or C???

solution week 12 4th primary

WEEK 12 PREPOSITIONS   It was an open activity, but I've written some ...(Era una activitat oberta i podieu fer moltes frases. Hi ha moltes possibilitats. Jo, però us en poso cinc) The fence is behind the house The barbecue is between the house and the swing The cat is under the swing The basketball net is on the wall The pigeon is in front of the window PROFESSIONS .  2.2  Name this professions 2.4 Do these JOBS Quizz 10. A chambermaid works in a hotel. 11. A typist works in an office 12. A lecturer works in a university 13. An actor works in a theatre. 14. A shop assistant works in a shop 15. A machinist works in a factory   4. TIME: 

week 12 (2nd to 5th June) 3rd PRIMARY

Good morning everyone!!!!! How things are going???? Hope you and your family are fine. Come on!!!! ENERGY. We are nearly at the end of the school year. You can make a final effort. ONCE MORE TIME Well, this are my proposals for this week. I hope you like them Com anem?? Espero que vosaltres i les vostres families estigueu bé. Vinga!! Energia. Ja estem a la recta final del curs. I només cal una petita empenta més. Ànims !! Aquestes son les tasques que us proposo per a aquesta setmana: WEEK 12 1. Numbers 2. Activity book (some pages) 3. Reading comprehension (Routines) 4. QUIZZ  (The true story) 1. NUMBERS (WORKSHEET + SONG + VIDEO) Aquesta setmana teniu una fitxa per repassar els números. Primer podeu veure un video per recordar-los i una cançó per agafar energia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLtF3PMOc  (SONG) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNU1ILy63Wc   (VIDEO) 2. Activity book  lacarpastudent Podeu accedir al llibre on line ...